القائمة الرئيسية


أسماء الحيوانات (ذكور - اناث ) (صغار و المجموعة التى تنتمى اليها) animals in english

أسماء الحيوانات (ذكور - اناث ) (صغار و المجموعة التى تنتمى اليها) animals in english

ترجمة وشرح أسماء الحيوانات (ذكور - اناث ) (صغار والمجموعة التى تنتمى اليها)

 أسماء الحيوانات باللغة الانجليزية Name of animal / baby name

اسماء ذكور الحيوانات باللغة الانجليزية ,اسماء إناث الحيوانات باللغة الانجليزية , اسماء صغارالحيوانات باللغة الانجليزية .

Name of animal / baby name

Name of group of these animals

bear / bear cub  (name of animal  / baby name)

sloth of bears (name of group of these animals)

camel / camel calf

pack of camels

cat / kitten

clutter of cats / litter of kittens

* called "cattle" 
(cow is the name of female cattle) but in English we commonly call all of them "cows"

calf (name of baby cattle)

herd of cattle (cows)

crab / zoea larva

cast of crabs

crocodile / crocodile hatchling

bask of crocodiles

deer / doe

herd of deer* (plural of deer is also deer)

dog / puppy

pack of dogs

dolphin / dolphin pup (or dolphin calf)

pod of dolphins

duck / duckling

flock of ducks

elephant / elephant calf

herd of elephants

fish / fingerling

school of fish

fox / fox cub

skulk (or troop) of foxes

giraffe / calf

herd of giraffe

goat / kid (or billy)

herd of goats

hedgehog / piglet (or pup)

array of hedgehogs

hermit crab

cast of hermit crabs

hippopotamus / calf

herd of hippopotamuses (or hippopotami)

horse / foal

herd of horses

jellyfish / ephyna

bloom (or swarm) of jellyfish

kangaroo / joey

herd (or troop) of kangaroo

killer whale / calf 

herd of killer whales

lion / lion cub 

pride of lions

monkey / infant monkey

troop of monkeys


panda bear / panda bear cub 

sloth of panda bears

peacock* / peachick 

(*peafowl is the animal name and peacock is the name for male peafowl).

muster of peacocks

pig / piglet 

herd of pigs

rabbit / bunny

colony (or drove) of rabbits

rhinoceros / calf

crash of rhinoceros (or rhinoceroses)


shark / pup

school (or shiver) of sharks

sheep / lamb

herd (or flock) of sheep*

(plural of sheep is also sheep)

shrimp / baby shrimp

*plural of shrimp is shrimp or shrimps.

snake / snakelet (or hatchling)

bed (or nest) of snakes


tiger / cub (or whelp)

ambush (or streak) of tigers

turkey / poult (or chick)

rafter of turkeys

turtle / hatchling

bale of turtles

whale / calf

pod (or school) of whales

wolf / pup (or whelp)

pack of wolves

zebra / foal

herd of zebra

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