تحميل احدث وافضل مراجعة نهائية ومراجعة ليلة الامتحان فى اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الترم الثانى , مستر وليد الشعراوى
ننشر لطلاب ومعلمى و اولياء امور الصف السادس,اقوى مراجعات , اللغة الانجليزية, المراجعة النهائية,
مراجعات المرحلة الابتدائية ,
لتخفيف عبء الدروس الخصوصية ,تحميل مذكرة ليلة الامتحان , مذكرة شمس وقمر فى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السادس الترم الثانى ,مجانا

مراجعة ليلة الامتحان فى اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الدراسى الثانى .
مجانا بروابط سهلة فى متناول يدك ,تحميل مناهج , مذكرات ,مراجعات ,امتحانات ,نتائج الامتحانات ,تنسيق الجامعات ,امتحانات نصف واخر العام , نتائج امتحانات ومراجعات الازهر , مذكرات , شرح ,المراجعة النهائية ,الترم الاول , كل المواد ,الصف ,مناهج,تعليمية,الثانوية العامة,ملخصات ,امتحان نصف العام .
unit 1
Mona : Hi , Kareem ! What are you doing?
Kareem : I'm helping Mr. Khaled clean up the music room. He's
getting ready for the concert.
Mona : Can I help you?
Kareem : Sure. You can move the bass.
Put it over there, by the window.
Mona : Ugh ! I can't lift it by myself. It's so heavy.
Kareem : Here. I'll take it.
Mona : Look out ! there's a box behind you !
Kareem : Ahhhh !
Miss Nadia : What's going on in here?
Kareem : We're cleaning up.
Unit 7
Operator: 122. What's the emergency?
Ahmed: Help! There's something in my garden.
Operator: What is it?
Ahmed: I think.. I think it's a wild animal ! I can see its eyes!
Operator: What's your name and address?
Ahmed: Ahmed Samy. 49 El-salam street.
Operator: Are your parents home?
Ahmed: No, they went to the cinema. I'm taking care of my little sister.
What should I do?
Operator: Stay calm. I'm sending an officer now.
Officer: Is this the wild animal?
Ahmed: Sorry, officer. I'll take him.
Hoda: Oh, my dog
Unit 8
Teacher: Mona , lease come to the front.
Write the letter ''d''on the board.
Mona: I don't know. I'm sorry, Miss Dina.
Teacher: That's okay. Let me show you how. It's easy.
Mona: No, I can't. It's too hard.
Teacher: Come on, Mona. Don't give up.
Mona: Hey ! I can do it.
Teacher: Good work, Mona. Please sit down. Judy, please help me pass out
the homework. Hassan, Clean the board, please.
Girl: What did you get?
Boy: I got a hundred !
Mona: Yay ! So did I !
Unit 9
: Laila : Captain Marwa, We'd like to interview you for our school newspaper. Could we
ask you a few questions ?
Pilot : Sure.Go ahead.
Laila: How many female pilots work for your airline?
Pilot: I think one third of the pilots are female.
Laila: Do you ever fly abroad?
Pilot: Yes, I have an overseas flight once a month.
Ramy : Do you fly the plane by yourself?
Pilot : No, I always have a copilot.
Ramy : Do you like being a pilot?
Pilot : Yes, very much.
Ramy: Thanks for your time, Captain Marwa.
Pilot : My pleasure.
Unit 10
Sara: Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Noha: At Mona's house. We were watching TV.
Sara: What was on ?
Noha: A programme about animals in Africa.
Sara: Aw , I missed it. Was it good?
Noha: Yeah , it was. The gorillas were rea
lly cool.
Sara: Did you watch the football match last night?
Noha: No, my mum was watching the news.
I don't like watching football
matches on TV.
Sara: Me, neither. It's not as fun as watching a real game.
Noha: Hey ! there's a good f
ilm on tonight. Do you want to come over?
Sara: I can't . My mum won't let me watch TV on a school night.
Noha: Too bad. Oh ! there's the bell. Time for class.
Unit 10
Sara: Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Noha: At Mona's house. We were watching TV.
Sara: What was on ?
Noha: A programme about animals in Africa.
Sara: Aw , I missed it. Was it good?
Noha: Yeah , it was. The gorillas were rea
lly cool.
Sara: Did you watch the football match last night?
Noha: No, my mum was watching the news.
I don't like watching football
matches on TV.
Sara: Me, neither. It's not as fun as watching a real game.
Noha: Hey ! there's a good f
ilm on tonight. Do you want to come over?
Sara: I can't . My mum won't let me watch TV on a school night.
Noha: Too bad. Oh ! there's the bell. Time for class.
- المذكرة من اعداد مستر وليد الشعراوى
- احدث اعمال المستر وليد
- شرح وتدريبات انجليزي للصف السادس
- معلومات عن المراجعة وملف التحميل .
- اسم اللمف : المراجعة النهائية.
- حجم الملف. 2.5 ميجا
- عدد الصفحات: 30 ورقة.
- المذكرة بدون علامة مائية
- نوع الملف بصيغة pdf.
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